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Melon Season - Selecting the Ripe One

Melon Season - Selecting the Ripe One

What exactly is the magic formula to finding a melon that’s ripe, ready, sweet and juicy? All the things we love and want in this ultimate summer fruit. Get it right every time with this handy guide for picking out the perfect watermelon.

Examine the Stripes:
Look for a watermelon with strong and consistent stripe patterns. Dark green stripes and creamy, light yellow stripes are indicators of ripeness. Avoid overly shiny melons, as they are likely underripe.

Find the Field Spot:
Inspect the surface of the watermelon for a large, discoloured spot called the field spot. It should have a creamy yellow or near orange colour, suggesting a flavorful melon. White or light yellow spots indicate a lack of flavour.

Check the Stem:
A dry and yellow-brown stem indicates that the watermelon has ripened fully. Avoid melons with green stems, as they may be underripe and lacking in sweetness.

Give it a Knock:
Gently tap the watermelon and listen to the sound it produces. A deep and hollow pitch suggests a ripe and watery fruit, while a higher-pitched and denser sound may indicate an unripe melon.

Look for Sugar Spots:
Dry weathering spots and vein-like webbing lines on the watermelon's surface are signs of extra sweetness. Inspect all sides of the melon for these spots before making your selection.

Opt for Heaviness:
Lift the watermelons and choose one that feels heavier than it appears. The denser it is for its size, the higher the water content, resulting in a sweeter watermelon.

Select a Round Shape:
Prefer rounder and evenly shaped watermelons over oval ones? Round melons tend to be sweeter, while oval ones can be watery and less flavorful. Avoid melons with irregular lumps on the surface.

Buy In-Season:
As much as you may want to eat watermelon all year round, the best time to purchase this fruit is during its peak season, which lasts between May and September.

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